
Rake Tasks 102

This is a follow up post to Rake Tasks 101. In the 101 post we created Rake tasks, setup dependencies and made our tasks reusable by passing in parameters. In Rake Tasks 102 we’ll be building on those practices, interfacing with a Rails environment and leveraging the cron to automate our Rake task.

Our tasks will search Twitter for any mentions of “daneharrigan” and add the most recent to our Tweet model. In this article I’m making a few assumptions. You’re on a Linux/Unix-based machine. You have John Nunemaker’s Twitter gem installed in your Rails project. Lastly, your Tweet model was built with one of the two commands:

# rails 2
$ script/generate model Tweet username:string message:string tweeted_at:datetime

# rails 3
$ rails generate model Tweet username:string message:string tweeted_at:datetime

Task Setup

Let’s create our Rake file as Rails.root/libs/tasks/twitter.rake and get started. First we’ll make a reusable task called :search in the :twitter namespace. This task will search Twitter for whatever parameter we pass it. Next, we’ll make a task called :daneharrigan. This task will live in a :search namespace, nested in the :twitter namespace. You’ll notice that we’re nesting namespaces because this wasn’t covered in the 101 post.

namespace :twitter do
  desc 'Search Twitter for the parameter you pass in'
  task :search, :query do |cmd, args|
    # some very impressive search code...

  namespace :search do
    desc 'Search Twitter for "@daneharrigan" and save it in the database'
    task :daneharrigan => :search do
      # save results from :search and be happy

Instance Variables in Tasks

Why would we ever want to use instance variables in a Rake task? The same reason you use an instance variable in a Ruby class. You want to make certain data available to multiple areas of your code. Instance variables in Rake tasks are no different, but that instance variable will be available to any other task run at that time. For example, if we set @name equal to “Dane” in the :search task, we can do puts @name in the :daneharrigan task and see the @name output when running rake twitter:search:daneharrigan. That makes things really easy, but you run the risk of overwriting instance variables from other higher level tasks.

I took a look through the Rake tasks that come with Rails 3 and I didn’t see anything that we could conflict with. I’ll digress for just a moment and say the “rails:update” task does set the @app_generator instance variable so that is a potential conflict, but I can’t think of a scenario where you’d need to set “rails:update” as a dependency to any new task. Please share your scenario if you have one!

Instance variables look safe enough, but I think we could do better. How about storing our data in an object?. This sounds a lot safer than using instance variables.

Objects in Tasks

You can create your class file in Rails.root/lib or Rails.root/app/model. Either location will yield identical results for what we’re doing. As your code changes pick whichever location makes the most sense to you. The following is a our object that will store our data between Rake tasks:

class TwitterStore
  def self.search(query)
    @results = Twitter::Search.new(query)

  def self.latest_result

The TwitterStore object has only a search method and a results method. You can certainly get more fancy at this step or even use an ActiveRecord model instead so feel free to use your creative license.

We have our object and we have our task, but at this point Rake is unaware of any object or model in Rails — that includes our nifty TwitterStore. Rails comes with a handy :environment task that sets up this awareness. We just need to set :environment as a task dependency or invoke it within the task. For us, we’ll be choosing the latter.

namespace :twitter do
  desc 'Search Twitter for the parameter you pass in'
  task :search, :query do |cmd, args|
    # Rake is now aware of our Rails environment!
    TwitterStore.search args[:query]
  # ...

Putting the Pieces Together

You can see we’re putting the pieces together now. We setup the Rails environment within our task, called TwitterStore.search and passed args[:query] to the search method. Now for the :daneharrigan task.

task :daneharrigan do
  result = TwitterStore.latest_result
  params = {
    :username => result[:from_user],
    :message => result[:text],
    :tweeted_at => result[:created_at].to_datetime

In the :search task we called TwitterStore.search which makes the response available to the :daneharrigan task through the latest_result method. I decided to use the find_or_create_by method because it’s easy enough to show that we don’t store the same tweet more than once.

Our tasks are complete, let’s give it a try, rake twitter:search:daneharrigan, then check your Tweet model to see what data is populated.

Cron Jobs

if you aren’t familiar with the cron or a cron job I recommend reading over Wikipedia’s page on it.

Time to setup our cron job! Before we can start we need to know what the cron job does, where does the cron have to be on the system to run properly and how often does it run. After we answer those questions we put them all together.

When you’re answering “what cron job does” make sure to always use full paths to your executable files. The cron doesn’t have the $PATH environmental variable set so it needs to know exactly where files live. For example, write /usr/bin/rake twitter:search:daneharrigan opposed to rake twitter:search:daneharrigan.

Now “where does the cron have to be in the system to run properly?” We know we want to run our Rake task, but that can’t be run from just anywhere. It needs to run from within our Rails project directory. Let’s say /home/dane/twitter_store.

Finally, “how often does it run?” How about every 5 minutes? That’s reflected in the cron as */5 * * * *.

We’ve answered all 3 questions so let’s put them together.

*/5 * * * * cd /home/dane/twitter_store && /usr/bin/rake

You know how a cron entry should look, but how do you actually add an entry to the cron? Run crontab -e from the command-line. This will launch the system’s default editor or whatever you have set in $EDITOR. Fill out your entry there, save it and you’re set!

And We’re Done

We created our Rake tasks, made them aware of the Rails environment, passed data between tasks through a storage class and added an entry to our cron to run every 5 minutes. We’re done! I hope this post gave you additional understanding to enhance your own tasks. Please do comment if there are questions or other areas of Rake you’d like to know about.

I’d like to thank Gokul Janga and Stuart Ellis for suggesting these topics from the Rake Tasks 101 comments, thanks guys!