
Versioning Your API

Choosing an API versioning strategy can be difficult. There are many approaches and each come with their own pros and cons. Two of the most common practices are to version in the URL or with headers. For Heroku’s public API we decided to version with the Accept header.

URL Versioning is Dead Simple

If you’re not familiar with URL versioning it’s simply having the version number as part of the URI, for instance, example.com/v2/resources. This approach is very clear and easy to call in code or at the command-line. The problem I see with URL versioning is that it’s not forgiving. If/when the version is no longer available the server will return a 404 response.

Accept Header Versioning is Forgiving

To version with the Accept header the API has to listen for a custom media type and respond accordingly. Github chose the media type application/vnd.github.v3+json where 3 is the API version. For Heroku’s API we decided on application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3, also where 3 is our version of the API.

In section 14.1 of the HTTP Spec the document indicates that multiple media types can be passed in the Accept header. If the first media type requested isn’t available the next type can be returned and it continues down the line. If the following Accept header is sent to an endpoint that does not have a version 3 response it will disregard the Heroku media type and return the default response as JSON.

Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3, application/json

I prefer this approach over URL versioning because of the ability to set multiple types in one request.

Understanding a Custom Media Type

A media type consists of two or more parts—type, subtype, and optional parameters. The Media Type Spec states the application type is meant for content that is to be processed by applications before being viewed or usable by a user. That sounds perfect for an API.

Sub types that begin with vnd are vendor specific media types. These media types are defined and controlled by the vendor. Creation of and modifications to vendor media types aren’t subject to community reviews.

The +json indicates that the content is a JSON structure. This is key to custom media types, whether a vendor type or experimental (prefixed with x-), because it shows how the data should be parsed once received.

Lastly, parameters allow for additional information to be passed without changing the media type. A version parameter can be used to support multiple API versions during a transition period.

In the case of Heroku’s API we will respond to application/json by default and application/vnd.heroku+json; version=2 and application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3 upon request. The default response will render the same as vnd.heroku+json; version=2 until version 3 is completed and widely adopted. At that point the default application/json response will render the same as vnd.heroku+json; version=3 and version 2 will be available through the custom media type.